Please complete the form below to request a pre-consultation for the following:
A Consent Application
An Application for Subdivision/Condominium
An Official Plan Amendment
A written description and a sketch of the subject property must be uploaded and included with this form. Once a request has been submitted we will contact you as soon as possible.
If you are unable to complete this form and wish to request a pre-consultation please contact us at 519- 271-0531 Ext. 1
Privacy Policy - The details you have provided in this form, including your contact information will be used for the sole purpose of evaluating your proposal and returning information to you. Personal Information on this form is collected pursuant to Section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001. It is to be used for the purpose of administering the County’s Planning Services. Any questions regarding the collection, use and retention of personal information on this form can be directed to the Clerk, County of Perth, 1 Huron Street, Stratford Ontario N5A 5S4, 519-271-0531.
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